Daily Habits for Healthy Hair

Did you know that 91% of people tend to do something that damages their hair on a daily basis? Hair can be very fragile and easy to damage, but difficult to repair. Damaged hair looks dull, and weak follicles can lead to hair loss. Here are four things you can do to stop damaging your hair:

  • Stop using too much force – When you dry your hair, instead of rubbing it vigorously with a towel, gently pat your hair and let the water be absorbed. You can easily damage the follicles by applying pressure when rubbing with a towel, leading to breakage. The best way is to wrap it with a towel and allow the towel to dry your hair slowly, or let it air dry. Combing too hard or too much can lead to the same negative results. Gently comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb, and avoid pulling on the hair while you comb.
  • Use tools less frequently – Hot combs, blow dryers, straightening or curling irons can further dry out your hair. Try aiming to use these for a maximum of two times a week to keep your hair’s natural moisture intact. If you do have to frequently use these tools, use them at the lowest possible setting and not for a prolonged period of time. If you can stop using blow dryers and just let your hair air dry, then even better.
  • Give your hair time to recover between appointments – This is for getting your hair colored, permed or relaxed. This tip becomes especially important during the winter months when the air is much dryer. Try to stretch the time between your color touch ups to an average of 9 weeks in-between. Also, try to limit the type of service you do, then give your hair some time to recover before going for another type of service. This means that if you’re planning to get your hair permed, then wait a bit before getting it colored.
  • Go with simple hairstyles – Ponytails, weaves and extensions can constantly pull on your scalp and cause hair loss. Try different styles that don’t pull on your hair, or don’t require extras to look good. If you do plan on getting extensions or a weave, make sure you go to a place that specializes in them, and don’t go too frequently.