Should you Exfoliate?

Should you Exfoliate?

The short answer is YES.

The long answer is YES, you should exfoliate if you want to preserve the youthful appearance of your skin. Exfoliation not only removes built up foreign substances on your facial skin (like makeup, dirt and other pollutants), but also sheds dead skin cells, allowing your body to generate new ones.

When we get older, the regeneration process of cells in our body slows down, skin including. This means that the "housekeeping" actions of our skin, such as replacing dead cells with new ones, become much slower. As a result, layers of built up dead skin on your face results in excess oil, clog pores. This leads to blemishes and acne breakouts.

This is where exfoliation helps. You can exfoliate your skin mechanically using abrasive scrubs, or chemically by using products containing acids that dissolve and remove dead skin cells.

Who should exfoliate? The best answer to this is everyone. Exfoliating properly proves to be beneficial for people of all ages.

So what is the bext exfoliator – manully or chemically? Dermatologists recommend a mix of of both. Chemical exfoliation can be done almost intermittently, while exfoliating with a brush or scrub should be done on a weekly basis.

Before fully committing to an exfoliating routine, make sure you test your skin for its tolerance first. Try applying the chemical on a small part of your skin and see what kind of effect it produces. It is possible to over-exfoliate, which leads to moisture loss, heightened sensitivity, skin dryness and irritation.

If you have any questions on exfoliating, schedule a visit to your dermatologist. He or she will examine your skin to see which kinds of products you need and will recommend an exfoliation routine that you can do at home.