The Statistics and Social Impact of Living with Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata, or AA,  is an autoimmune disease characterized by the loss of hair on the scalp, face, and/or on the body.  Approximately 2% of the global population will suffer from AA over the course of their lifetime. This disease usually manifests itself by age 40, and can affect both men and women equally.

Hair loss associated with AA is unpredictable and can sometimes be cyclical. This can be frustrating and challenging both mentally and emotionally for many people. The common emotions who suffer from this condition include feelings of grief, anxiety, loss, fear, embarrassment, loneliness, and anger.

According to a 2016 survey among adults that have AA:

  • 62% of patients have reported withdrawing from activities due to the psychological impact of Alopecia Areata
  • Some have even reported the loss of their defining facial features, like their eyebrows and eyelashes as bothersome
  • 45% of respondents have claimed that they have missed  time from work because of this disease

Those who have this disease do not have to suffer alone. There are plenty of resources for those who are suffering, including support groupsawareness events, and websites with plenty of information about AA. Research is also underway to find better forms of treatment, as well as newly announced treatment options that will soon be on the market.

If you are suffering from AA and would like to get a consultation about your treatment options, please call us at (727) 528-0321.