The Vampire Facelift

vampire facelift
You may have heard about Platelet-Rich Plasma before from this post that was made a few months ago.
Don’t let the name intimidate you, it’s actually quite harmless. On the contrary, it can actually combat the signs of aging skin like:

  • Gray discoloration as a result of reduced blood flow
  • Dull, droopy appearance of skin
  • Rough or harsh skin texture as opposed to smooth

The Vampire Facelift is a procedure that uses the growth factors from the patient’s blood. The physician doing the procedure will draw around three tubes of blood from the patient. The blood is put into a centrifuge to isolate the platelets which are rich in growth factors.
The growth factors are what the blood uses to heal damaged tissues and increase collagen in the skin, which would give a more youthful appearance. The procedure only takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete and is non-surgical, with minimal downtime. It has become a big hit in Hollywood, with celebrities like Kim Kardashian getting it done.
First, Hyaluronic Fillers (HA) like Juvederm or Restylane are injected into the patient’s skin to create a good, underlying shape to sculpt the patient’s face easier.
Next, the physician injects the growth factors that were isolated from the patient’s blood back into the patient’s face. What the growth factors will do is activate the multipotent stem cells, tricking them into thinking that the facial tissue has been damaged and will begin the repair process by transforming themselves into new collagen.
The result is a more youthful appearance that can improve within 2 to 3 months and can last from 1 to 2 years.
However, the Vampire Facelift is not for everyone. To find out if you qualify for the procedure and its related costs, call us now at 727 528-0321 for a consultation.