Travel Skincare Essentials

This summer is poised to be a very busy travel season for many Americans. Many are taking some vacation time and traveling to wherever they will be traveling. While skincare may not be the first thing you may think of when you’re making a checklist of things to remember during your travel prep, it’s still important to keep it in mind. Here are some ways you can maintain your skin health while you’re traveling:

  • Always Bring Sunscreen – This is the most essential piece of your travel skincare routine. Whether you’re hiking, at the beach, or visiting different cities, it’s always important to apply sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays. Make sure you know which sunscreen type your should use.
  • Moisturize Before and During Your Flight – The high altitude and the continuous recycled air on airplanes dries out your skin much faster due to the low humidity, so it’s important to keep it hydrated by using a thicker moisturizer before you board. If you have time to re-apply during the flight, then you should too, as long as you keep your hands clean first after touching the different surfaces of the aircraft.
  • Don’t Neglect Your Lips and Eyes – Whether it’s from a road trip or a plane ride, your lips and the skin around your eyes will definitely be feeling negative effects of traveling. In general, the skin in this area of the face is much thinner and is more prone to dryness. The change in the climate, altitude, or the humidity in your destination is the known culprit. Carry some lip balm and eye cream in your travel kit to counteract this.
  • Think About Fashion AND Function – Products alone cannot protect your skin from the elements when you travel. If you’re going to the beach or if you’re going to a sunny area, bring a wide-brimmed hat and some sunglasses to protect your face and eye skin. Make sure your clothes have breathable fabric. Dress for the weather, but make sure your skin stays protected.