Why are my nose pores so visible?

Your pores help your skin breathe through sweating, and also act as a pathway for skincare products to be absorbed into the interior layers of your skin. The pores on your nose are full of sebaceous glands that help keep your nose moisturized. Sometimes you may notice that the pores on your nose look much larger than the other pores on your face. Here are four factors as to why that’s the case:

  • Your Age – As you age, your skin will naturally start to gradually lose collagen. Collagen is what gives your skin its elasticity,  hydration and strengthening. Lower collagen levels in the skin will result in not only sagging skin, but more prominent wrinkles AND larger-looking pores.
  • Your Genetics – Just like with a lot of the characteristics of your skin, your genetics can also play a big role on how large your pores are. If your parents naturally have large pores, then chances are you would also have large pores. There’s not much you can do when some characteristics of your skin are influenced by genetics.
  • Your Skin’s Oil Production – Your sebaceous glands are located just below your pores, and these are what produce the oil that naturally give your skin lubrication. When you have oily skin, your glands are producing too much sebum, causing your pores to easily get clogged and causing them to enlarge.
  • Proneness to Acne Breakouts – This is tied into your skin’s oil production as well. Clogged pores tend to lead to blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. When the area around your pores become inflamed, that damages your pores and can lead to enlargement.

So how can you unclog and clean your nose pores? Three things you can do to reduce the amount of clogging are using water-based skincare products over oil-based ones, exfoliating regularly to make sure the dirt accumulated around your nose pores are stripped away, and washing your face twice a day.