Treating Hyperpigmentation Caused By Sun Exposure

Hyperpigmentation is one of the most common skin issues that people search treatments for. While there are many causes of hyperpigmentation, like acne or hormones. However, one of the biggest contributing factors of this issue is exposure to the sun. For those have been looking for ways to treat hyperpigmentation, here are three ways:

  • Sunscreens – First and foremost, the best way to combat hyperpigmentation is to prevent it. This means regularly applying and reapplying sunscreen whenever you step out into the sun. A sunburn is the precursor to hyperpigmentation, and the effects of sunburn can start to appear on your skin after only 11 minutes of sun exposure. The redness and inflammation starts to take effect after 2 to 4 hours. Applying sunscreen is actually the most important part of your skincare routine, and should never be skipped at all.
  • Exfoliation – A good way to fade the appearance of hyperpigmentation like sun spots is  by exfoliation. This is the process of using chemicals or a mechanical tool to peel off the topmost layer of your skin to expose the younger, newer cells underneath. This can be done either at home or at your dermatologist’s office. The good thing about having this done at your dermatologist’s office through chemical peels is that more potent exfoliating chemicals are used and therefore you get better results.
  • Serums and Creams – Retinols, Vitamin C, and Hydroquinone are some of the most common serums used in treating hyperpigmentation. 2% Retinol, whose main purpose is to break down the pigmentation-producing melanin, is an over-the-counter serum or cream you can get at a pharmacy or at a beauty supply store that when used daily on dark patches can help eliminate them. Vitamin C and Hydroquinone are brightening agents. Vitamin C serums can also be found in beauty stores. The same can be said for hydroquinone, but like with Retinols, certain products that have a higher percentage of its key ingredients need to be prescribed by a dermatologist.