Dr. Sims Blog
Eczema: Tips to help your child feel better
During this time of year with the frequent temperature and humidity changes, it may be the most challenging time to help keep your child’s eczema discomfort under control. Here’s an instructional video and some valuable information on how you can ease these symptoms through good skin care practices. [youtube id=”nBp3eEqAg2g”] Most children’s eczema does not […]
Australia gets “Pretty Shady” to promote skin cancer awareness – mUmBRELLA
The Cancer Institute NSW is Australia’s first statewide government cancer agency, and they’re trying to reach an important and often difficult-to-reach demographic, young people. Per the ad, Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer among young people in the world! A frightening statistic, no doubt. Here in Florida we know a lot about the challenges with […]
What is Vitiligo
Vitiligo (vit-uh-lie-go) causes the skin to lose color. Patches of lighter skin appear. Some people develop a few patches. Others lose much more skin color. Vitiligo usually affects the skin, but it can develop anywhere we have pigment. Patches of hair can turn white. Some people lose color inside their mouths. Even an eye can […]
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis. Most people living with psoriasis have the type of psoriasis shown here. This is plaque (plak) psoriasis. Psoriasis (sore-EYE-ah-sis) is a chronic (long-lasting) disease. It develops when a person’s immune system sends faulty signals that tell skin cells to grow too quickly. New skin cells form in days rather than weeks. The body does not […]
Face washing 101 – AAD.org
How you wash your face can make a difference in your appearance. Follow these tips from dermatologists to help you keep your face looking healthy. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that does not contain alcohol. Wet your face with lukewarm water and use your fingertips to apply cleanser. Using a […]
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