Blog Skincare Tips acne oral sores rashes

We all suffer from skin conditions from time to time. This is normal. These conditions can vary from mild to severe and sometimes these mild conditions eventually resolve themselves without any professional help. What’s not normal is when you have lasting conditions or come with more severe symptoms, like elevated pain, or if your typical treatments don’t seem to make it go away. This is when you should see your dermatologist. Here are three skin conditions that we experience normally, and when you should see your doctor about them:
Acne – Small and scattered inflamed bumps that resolve themselves after a few days and can be treated by over-the-counter treatments. What’s not normal is when you have continuous breakouts that don’t seem to go away and cannot be treated by traditional acne medication. This might indicate an underlying issue, like a facial cleanser that is constantly irritating your skin, or maybe even diet-related. Either way, non-stop acne should warrant a visit to your dermatologist.
Oral Lesions and Sores – Some people get cold sores or oral lesions once or twice a year. Cold sores, known as fever blisters are caused by an infection of your lips, mouth or your gums. They are small and can be very painful to the point that they can affect the way you eat or speak. However, these oral sores do go away on their own. The main concern is if they don’t, or if they appear more times than usual on a regular basis. You might have certain bacterial infections or other issues that your dermatologist will need to investigate.
Rashes – our skin can be sensitive to many things. The result of coming into contact with these substances is called contact dermatitis. This condition can easily be treated using home remedies and over-the-counter creams like hydrocortisone, and avoiding coming into contact with the irritant. There are some cases where a rash might not just be a simple rash. If you have one that is circular and has raised borders, it may be a sign of ringworm infection. Ringworm is a contagious but very treatable fungal infection and would require intervention from your dermatologist.
Normal versus Not Normal – When To See Your Dermatologist

We all suffer from skin conditions from time to time. This is normal. These conditions can vary from mild to severe and sometimes these mild conditions eventually resolve themselves without any professional help. What’s not normal is when you have lasting conditions or come with more severe symptoms, like elevated pain, or if your typical treatments don’t seem to make it go away. This is when you should see your dermatologist. Here are three skin conditions that we experience normally, and when you should see your doctor about them:
Acne – Small and scattered inflamed bumps that resolve themselves after a few days and can be treated by over-the-counter treatments. What’s not normal is when you have continuous breakouts that don’t seem to go away and cannot be treated by traditional acne medication. This might indicate an underlying issue, like a facial cleanser that is constantly irritating your skin, or maybe even diet-related. Either way, non-stop acne should warrant a visit to your dermatologist.
Oral Lesions and Sores – Some people get cold sores or oral lesions once or twice a year. Cold sores, known as fever blisters are caused by an infection of your lips, mouth or your gums. They are small and can be very painful to the point that they can affect the way you eat or speak. However, these oral sores do go away on their own. The main concern is if they don’t, or if they appear more times than usual on a regular basis. You might have certain bacterial infections or other issues that your dermatologist will need to investigate.
Rashes – our skin can be sensitive to many things. The result of coming into contact with these substances is called contact dermatitis. This condition can easily be treated using home remedies and over-the-counter creams like hydrocortisone, and avoiding coming into contact with the irritant. There are some cases where a rash might not just be a simple rash. If you have one that is circular and has raised borders, it may be a sign of ringworm infection. Ringworm is a contagious but very treatable fungal infection and would require intervention from your dermatologist.