The most common questions about hair loss:
Hair loss can be a very sensitive condition to talk about. As an expert on diseases of the skin, nails, and hair, your dermatologist can help you with any hair loss you might be experiencing.
Here you can find resources and information for everything you want to know about hair loss: its causes, its types and the treatments available for the condition.
What are the most common types of hair loss?

Pattern Baldness
Traction Alopecia
Telogen and Anagen Effluvium
What Causes Hair Loss?
Here are some common causes:

Genetics and Hormones
Any genes associated with hair loss is passed down to you from your mother and your father. Androgens, a hormone that stimulates hair growth, is what’s found as a cause of pattern baldness in men. In women, hormonal changes, like during pregnancy and menopause can trigger hair loss events.
Severe stress on the body, like an illness or a traumatic event that has caused physical or emotional shock can cause some hair thinning and hair loss. This can include pregnancy, a long battle with illness, different mental or emotional disorders. Losing hair is just one of your body’s adverse reactions to stress among a plethora of other negative effects.
Medications, Supplements and Treatments
Many different types of medications, like those for treating cancer, arthritis, depression or heart disease can cause some hair loss. Chemotherapy, one of the most well-known cancer treatments does cause hair to fall out in cancer patients.
Hairstyles and Treatments
There are certain hairstyles that have been known to cause hair loss, especially in women. Pigtails, tight ponytails, cornrows and braids continually apply pressure and pull on your hair follicles, leading to breakage and hair loss. Hair treatments like hot oil and chemical straighteners can also result in hair falling out.
What can be done about hair loss?
How your dermatologist can help:
Hair Loss Treatments We Offer
Not one hair loss treatment works for everyone. We tailor our treatment plans depending on the type of hair loss issue each patient is experiencing. Our treatment plan may include a combination of medications, in-office treatments, and lifestyle changes.
Online Resources
American Academy of Dermatology
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
American Hair Loss
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