Blog Skincare Tips cleansers exfoliation sunscreen

You may be wondering why you still have some acne, or why your skin blemishes are not fading, no matter what you do. Truth is, a lot of people are not properly taking care of their skin, and for those who think they are, there can be some small adjustments that can be made to help you achieve your goals. Here are three:
1. Washing Your Face Too Many Times – Believe it or not, washing your face multiple times can be bad for you. Your skin naturally produces oil to keep it hydrated and moisturized. Washing your face too many times a day strips the natural oil off your skin, leaving you with a dry and plastic-feeling texture. This does not mean that your skin is clean – instead, it actually means your skin is dry. Water and soap is not an effective combination to clean your face. You should use a cleanser instead. Why? Cleansers remove dirt and dead skin cells from your face but they are gentle enough not to strip away its natural oils. Use cleaners in the morning and at night for effective results.
2. Combining Multiple Products – The bottom line is: stop using so many different products. Sticking to just one or two products usually produces the best results. Combining multiple products, or using so many different ones, can be counter-productive. Irritation and ineffectiveness are usually the two downsides of using too many skincare products. There are certain ingredients that are not meant to be combined. Stick to one cleanser, one sunscreen, one retinoid and one moisturizer. A simple skincare routine is always the best, as you know exactly which product works for what, when you’re supposed to use it, and what active ingredients it has and how your skin reacts to them.
3. Bad Exfoliation – This can mean that you’re overexfoliating your face, or that you’re not doing it the right way. Let’s address overxfoliation first – you’re not supposed to exfoliate every day, or every other day even. Two to three times a week is enough. Exfoliators can be rough on your skin, so overdoing it can do some damage. This applies to chemical exfoliators with microbeads that scrape the dirt and grime off your skin. Mechanical exfoliation, a process where a device is used to do the exfoliation, should be done less than three times per week. Now for the second part – how to properly exfoliate. A moisturizer is required right after you exfoliate to help soothe the skin and seal off the skin barrier and preserve your results. Combine this with a sunscreen as exfoliated skin can be more susceptible to damage from UV rays.
Three Things You Should Stop Doing to Your Skin

You may be wondering why you still have some acne, or why your skin blemishes are not fading, no matter what you do. Truth is, a lot of people are not properly taking care of their skin, and for those who think they are, there can be some small adjustments that can be made to help you achieve your goals. Here are three:
1. Washing Your Face Too Many Times – Believe it or not, washing your face multiple times can be bad for you. Your skin naturally produces oil to keep it hydrated and moisturized. Washing your face too many times a day strips the natural oil off your skin, leaving you with a dry and plastic-feeling texture. This does not mean that your skin is clean – instead, it actually means your skin is dry. Water and soap is not an effective combination to clean your face. You should use a cleanser instead. Why? Cleansers remove dirt and dead skin cells from your face but they are gentle enough not to strip away its natural oils. Use cleaners in the morning and at night for effective results.
2. Combining Multiple Products – The bottom line is: stop using so many different products. Sticking to just one or two products usually produces the best results. Combining multiple products, or using so many different ones, can be counter-productive. Irritation and ineffectiveness are usually the two downsides of using too many skincare products. There are certain ingredients that are not meant to be combined. Stick to one cleanser, one sunscreen, one retinoid and one moisturizer. A simple skincare routine is always the best, as you know exactly which product works for what, when you’re supposed to use it, and what active ingredients it has and how your skin reacts to them.
3. Bad Exfoliation – This can mean that you’re overexfoliating your face, or that you’re not doing it the right way. Let’s address overxfoliation first – you’re not supposed to exfoliate every day, or every other day even. Two to three times a week is enough. Exfoliators can be rough on your skin, so overdoing it can do some damage. This applies to chemical exfoliators with microbeads that scrape the dirt and grime off your skin. Mechanical exfoliation, a process where a device is used to do the exfoliation, should be done less than three times per week. Now for the second part – how to properly exfoliate. A moisturizer is required right after you exfoliate to help soothe the skin and seal off the skin barrier and preserve your results. Combine this with a sunscreen as exfoliated skin can be more susceptible to damage from UV rays.