Summer Skincare Do’s and Don’ts


  • Use lighter skincare products – lighter skincare products will most likely not clog up your pores. Clogged up pores plus your sweat during the summer can result in inflammation and pimples. Another thing you can do is to reduce the number of layers for your routine, keeping only the necessities.
  • Use sunscreen every day – this applies year-round, but especially during the summer when the sun’s rays are a lot more unforgiving. You should also avoid midday sun exposure when the UV rays of the sun are at their most dangerous.
  • Up the vitamin C – Not only is this vitamin an antioxidant (which protects your skin from damaging free radicals), but it also stimulates collagen and elastin production, and minimizes the appearance of dark spots, sun spots and other blemishes.


  • Forget to exfoliate – Because your skin needs extra hydration and protection during the summer, exfoliating becomes a must. When you get rid of the dead skin cells and expose the younger layers underneath using your choice of exfoliator, the skincare products you use will be able to penetrate deeper into your skin.
  • Leave sunburn untreated – Getting sunburned becomes a bigger problem in the summer. What you don’t want to do is to leave it untreated, because it can cause even more problems and delay the healing process. Treat it with a cool compress to take the sting out, then apply a soothing skin care lotion to bring relief and prevent peeling over the next couple of days.
  • Allow your oil production unchecked – Sebum production peaks during the summer months, especially around your t-zone (your forehead area, down to your nose and chin). Your sebum actually helps protect your skin from the sun, but you want to control it by moisturizing to balance it out.