The Percentages of Hair Loss
The American Hair Loss Association has declared that August is Hair Loss Awareness Month. As such, we want to shed some light about the numbers and statistics of hair loss and how it affects people.
At age 29, 12% of men will have experienced some sort of hair loss. By age 35, 66% of men will start to lose their hair, that’s two thirds of the American male population. At age 50, 85% of men will have had significant hair thinning.

However, hair loss isn’t exclusive just to men – up to 80% of American women will also experience some sort of hair loss by the time they reach the age of 65.
Awareness is important in order to cut the stigma of hair loss. Know that if you are experiencing it, you are not alone. There are plenty of resources for learning more about hair loss, including known causes, types and even available treatments.
For hair loss, the treatment must be tailored for each case, and will require an extensive evaluation by a dermatologist specializing in hair loss. If you’re experiencing hair loss and would like a consultation, don’t hesitate to call us at (727) 528-0321 today.