Why should you get laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a great alternative option you can consider if you find yourself tired of shaving, tweezing or waxing unwanted hair.
So how does laser hair removal work?
Like the name suggest, the procedure uses a laser, or a beam of concentrated light. The laser uses heat to penetrate the skin through the follicles and  destroy the hair in its roots. The most common areas for this treatment are the face, arms, legs, underarms and bikini line.
Before you consider getting this treatment, take a look at some of the pro’s and cons:
The Pros of Laser Hair Removal

  • Speed and Precision: Lasers can target and remove dark, coarse hairs in various areas of the body with just a few fraction-of-a-second pulses, leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. The upper lip area can take just under a minute to treat while larger areas like the back or legs may take up to an hour.
  • Virtually Pain-free: Laser hair removal is less painful than other hair removal methods like electrolysis.
  • Effectiveness: Most people long-lasting hair-removal and some even see permanent hair reduction in treated areas.

The Cons of Laser Hair Removal

  • Hair regrowth is expected and it is NOT considered to be a long-term hair removal treatment. However, some hair reduction is expected in treated areas.
  • There are some minor side effects that include swelling or itching that will go away after a few days of the treatment. Other serious side effects could be burning, skin discoloration and blistering or some cases of infection.
  • Length of treatment and cost: Several treatments are usually needed (from 4 to 6) to remove hair from the desired area. Treatments can also be pricey.

How to Prepare and What to Expect
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that requires training to perform. It also carries potential risks. Make sure you do some research on the credentials on the dermatologist or technician you have chosen to perform the procedure on you. Choose a reputable aesthetic medical provider who can help you understand the benefits and risks of this treatment.
Make sure you limit waxing, shaving or tweezing hair for six weeks before the treatment. This is because laser hair removal targets the hairs’ roots, and are temporarily removed by waxing or tweezing.
Here’s a video from TheExpertVillage about the procedure itself:

Post-Treatment Recovery
For a few days after the treatment, your skin will look and feel like it is sunburned. To alleviate this you can moisturize it or use use a cool compress. You should use sunscreen on the treated areas to prevent any kind of discoloration from sun exposure. Over the course of the next month, the treated hair will fall out.
We at Divine Dermatology offer Laser Hair Removal treatments using the LightSheer Duet laser hair removal system from Medicis. The LightSheer enables backs and legs to be treated comfortably in only 15 minutes. Dr. Sims is a highly experienced and a highly skilled dermatologist who can perform laser hair removal with accuracy, precision and with your comfort in mind.

Call us now for a consultation and get that silky smooth skin just in time for the beach season!