Winter Hair Care Tips

If there ever was a season that does the most damage to your hair, it would have to be the winter season. The reason? Your hair’s mortal enemy is the dry and cold air that the winter season brings. While you’re bundling up for these colder months, don’t forget to also take good care of your hair. Here are four winter haircare tips to help you manage this season:

  • Avoid washing your hair often – Limiting your washes to just a few times a week will prevent dryness. The more you wash your hair during an already dry season, the more the natural oils your scalp develops get stripped out. The result is flaky and dried out hair that can easily break or get damaged.
  • Go for shorter hair – Getting regular trims during the winter time allows you to keep your hair fresh and healthy. Getting your hair cut more times than usual can take care of those pesky split ends and makes it easy to manage.
  • Skip out on styles that require heat – Your hair can get easily dehydrated because of the dry and cold winter air. Using a hair dryer will accelerate that process. Air drying might take longer but your locks will thank you. It’s also a good idea to step back from using curlers and hair irons and instead opt for simpler styles that don’t require heating tools. Using heating tools for styling hair in general can lead to hair loss if done ever so often, regardless of the season.
  • Be generous with moisturization – If your hair is not properly moisturized, it will be fragile and brittle, and can easily break off, or cause split ends to happen. Even if the weather is cold, you still need to moisturize your hair, and to keep at it until the warmer temperatures come around. Hair oils like aloe vera, shea butter or others that can be found at your pharmacy are sufficient.