Your 2017 Skin Care Resolutions

Even the best of us sometimes can forget to do our skincare routine from time to time. Here are the best advices you can get to follow through with your skin care for 2017:
1. Sunscreen – Probably the most important in this list. Every dermatologist will advise you to wear sunscreen daily (with an SPF rating of at least 30) and to reapply it often. Find one that offers enough protection but doesn’t feel too oily or too heavy on your skin. Try sunscreens with a "sheer" label on them.
2. Moisturizing – This is a must, especially after showering. You want to be moisturizing your skin within 10 minutes of turning off the shower. Why? Because your skin tends to start losing water vapor after this time. Keep a bottle of lotion right by your shower so you can apply it while your skin is still damp.
3. Clean your skin after hitting the gym – "New year, New me"
usually comes with working out extensively. With exercise comes sweating. Make sure you shower as soon as possible after finishing your gym class or your workout, as the bacteria and dirt mixed with your sweat can clog pores and result in acne breakouts. If you can’t shower as soon as you’re done at the gym, you can bring salicylic acid pads in your gym bag to wipe your face, back and chest after you’re done exercising.
4. Skin Exams – Getting your skin checked out should also be a priority. Visit your dermatologist to get an annual full-body exam where a medical professional will look at all the nooks and crannies on your body, and each mole and blemish will be examined closely. Monthly self-exams are also encouraged.
5. Keeping your makeup tools clean – Your skin’s oils and excess makeup can cause a buildup on your brushes. When not cleaned, brushes can be a breeding ground for irritation-causing bacteria. Wash your tools monthly with a liquid hand soap, or baby shampoo and lukewarm water. Rinse them well and squeeze out the excess water and dry thoroughly.