Cherry Angioma Removal: An In-Depth Review

Cherry Angioma Removal: An In-Depth Review


Cherry angiomas are common benign skin growths that present as bright red spots, giving them their “cherry” moniker. Though they are usually harmless and don’t cause any discomfort, some people may want to proceed with cherry angioma removal due to cosmetic reasons or if they are prone to bleeding.

This article delves into the various methods of removing cherry angioma, focusing on a relatively novel tool – the cherry angioma removal pen – and provides an analysis of cherry angioma removal cost.

Cherry Angiomas: A Quick Overview

Before diving into the cherry angioma removal process, it’s crucial to understand what cherry angiomas are. They are tiny red moles on the skin, ranging in size from a pinhead to about a quarter of an inch in diameter. Although they can appear anywhere on the body, they’re often found on the trunk. As we age, the likelihood of developing cherry angiomas increases, although the exact cause is still unknown1.

Cherry Angioma Removal: The Available Methods

There are several methods for removing cherry angiomas, each with its benefits and drawbacks. The best method for you will depend on the size, location, and number of angiomas, as well as your personal preference and budget.


Electrocautery is a common method used for cherry angioma removal. This procedure involves using a special tool that sends an electric current into the angioma to burn it off. It’s usually performed under local anesthesia, making it a relatively painless process2.


Cryosurgery is another commonly used method, wherein liquid nitrogen is applied to the angioma to freeze it. As a result, this leads to its eventual fall-off. This method may need several applications, especially for larger angiomas3.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a more modern approach, offering high precision and minimal discomfort. With the laser therapy method, a focused light beam is used to heat and destroy the angioma4.

Cherry Angioma Removal Pen

The cherry angioma removal pen, also known as a plasma pen, has recently gained popularity as a convenient at-home removal tool. It operates on the principles of electrocautery, emitting a high-frequency electrical arc that can carbonize the angioma, causing it to dry up and flake away5. It’s important to note that this method should be used with caution, as improper use can lead to scarring or infections.

Assessing the Cherry Angioma Removal Cost

The cost of cherry angioma removal depends on various factors. Such factors might include the removal method, the size and number of angiomas, and the professional fees of the dermatologist.

Traditional Methods

Typically, professional cherry angioma removal procedures such as electrocautery, cryosurgery, and laser therapy can range from $100 to $500 per session, depending on the complexity of the case6.

Cherry Angioma Removal Pen

On the other hand, a cherry angioma removal pen typically costs between $50 and $200, making it a relatively affordable at-home alternative. However, keep in mind the potential risks associated with at-home treatments, and consider having a professional consultation with Divine Dermatology, PLLC, before proceeding7.

Final Thoughts

Cherry angiomas are benign skin lesions that, while typically harmless, can be aesthetically displeasing or occasionally bothersome due to bleeding. Several removal methods are available, including electrocautery, cryosurgery, laser therapy, and the use of a cherry angioma removal pen. When deciding on a removal method, consider your individual circumstances, cost, and comfort with the procedure. Remember, always consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional before embarking on any treatment plan.


  1. American Academy of Dermatology Association. (2021). “Cherry Angiomas”. Retrieved from
  2. Lee, M. S., Liang, M. G., & Mulliken, J. B. (2013). “Diffuse capillary malformation with overgrowth: A clinical subtype of vascular anomalies with hypertrophy”. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 69(4), 589–594.
  3. Sharma, A., & Khandpur, S. (2013). “Efficacy of liquid nitrogen cryotherapy for cherry angiomas”. Dermatologic Surgery, 39(8), 1226–1230.
  4. Bencini, P. L., Tourlaki, A., Galimberti, M., & Pellacani, G. (2014). “Nonablative fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of cherry angioma”. Dermatologic Therapy, 27(5), 289–292.
  5. Lim, W., Kim, J., Kim, H., Lee, S., & Jo, G. (2018). “A study on the cosmetic removal of moles using a plasma pen”. Journal of the Korean Society for Beauty and Art, 20(4), 291–298.
  6. Health Cost Helper. (2021). “Mole Removal Cost”. Retrieved from
  7. Harrington, C., & Smith, J. (2021). “Comparison of plasma pen versus traditional skin lesion removal techniques”. Journal of Dermatological Science, 98(2), 75-82.

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