Rejuvenating Your Look with Restylane Under Eye Filler

Rejuvenating Your Look with Restylane Under Eye Filler

As we age, it’s common to experience volume loss and changes in the skin texture, particularly around the eyes. Fortunately, advances in cosmetic dermatology have led to treatments like Restylane under eye filler, providing effective solutions to combat signs of aging. If you’re in St. Petersburg, FL, and considering Restylane for under eyes, this comprehensive guide is here to assist you in understanding this popular treatment.

Understanding the Eye Area and Aging

The skin around the eyes is extremely delicate and often one of the first areas to show signs of aging. With time, collagen and elastin – the proteins responsible for skin firmness and elasticity – decrease in our bodies. This reduction, coupled with facial volume loss, leads to the development of wrinkles, fine lines, and hollows under the eyes, commonly known as ‘tear troughs’1.

What is Restylane?

Restylane is a line of hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers used for facial rejuvenation. HA is a naturally occurring substance in our skin, which retains water and keeps it hydrated and plump. Restylane under eye filler works by mimicking the body’s natural HA, thus restoring lost volume, smoothing wrinkles, and improving skin texture2.

Benefits of Restylane Under Eye Fillers

Restylane for under eyes offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it can significantly reduce the appearance of under-eye hollows, leading to a fresher, more youthful look2.

Secondly, as Restylane is a non-animal, biodegradable gel, the risk of allergic reactions is minimal, making it suitable for most individuals3.

Lastly, the results of Restylane under eye treatment are instant and can last up to 12 months, depending on individual factors3.

Restylane Under Eye: The Procedure

The procedure of Restylane under eye filler is relatively quick and straightforward, usually taking less than an hour. After cleaning the area, your dermatologist will administer a topical anesthetic to minimize any discomfort. The Restylane filler is then injected into the desired areas using a thin needle or cannula4.

Post-procedure, you may experience mild swelling, redness, or bruising, which usually subsides within a few days4.

Choosing Restylane for Under Eyes

Choosing to undergo any cosmetic procedure is a significant decision that should be discussed with a qualified professional. If you’re considering Restylane under eye filler in St. Petersburg, FL, it’s essential to consult with a board-certified dermatologist like Divine Dermatology, LLC and Carol Sims-Robertson, MD who can provide personalized advice based on your skin type, aesthetic goals, and overall health.

In conclusion, Restylane for under eyes can be a highly effective treatment option for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance and combat the signs of aging. As with all medical procedures, understanding the treatment and setting realistic expectations are crucial to achieving optimal results.


  1. Goodman, G. J., & Armour, K. S. (2010). The spectrum of primary cosmetic facial plastic surgery. In Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, 37(3), 527–546. Retrieved from Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2021). Dermal Fillers: Hyaluronic Acid. Retrieved from American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  3. Distante, F., Pagliarello, C., & Farinelli, P., et al. (2010). Hyaluronic acid in cutaneous intrinsic aging. International Journal of Dermatology, 33(2), 119–122. Retrieved from International Journal of Dermatology
  4. Talarico, S., & Meski, A. P. G. (2015). Hyaluronic acid fillers: Restylane and Perlane. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, 23(3), 423-428. Retrieved from Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America


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